Canine Anti Anxiety Medication, Veterinary Pain Medicine, Medications

Canine Anti Anxiety Medication should only ever prescribed by your vetin extreme circumstances and only when all other dog obedience training techniques have been tried and tested to cure the underlying problembthat is triggering the anxious behavior.

The most common reason for anti-anxiety prescription medication to beused is due to problems associate with separation anxiety. This problemis relatively common in dogs and is due to your dog or puppy developinga unhealthy and dysfunctional attachment to it’s owner.

Common symptoms of this problem can include barking, whining,destruction of objects, excessive chewing, digging and otherdysfunctional behavior problems.

If you are after a really good natural product to alleviate your dog’s anxiety naturally why not try Canine Lesstress – it’s proven to work fast and is considered one of the best canine anti anxiety medication products currently on the market.

As previously mentioned some dog owners become so concerned about their dog’s separation anxiety that they resort to seeking prescription medication. Although this should only be considered as a last resort sometimes it is necessary. There are a number of breeds that are more prone to exhibiting anxious behavior including…

  • Basset Hounds
  • Great Danes
  • Dalmatians
  • Salukis
  • Springer Spaniels
  • Cairn Terriers
  • Jack Russell Terriers
  • German Short Haired Pointers
  • Bull Terriers
  • Soft Coated Wheaton Terriers
  • German Shepherds

Symptoms of Separation Anxiety

  • Destructive behavior
  • Chewing
  • Digging
  • Excessive licking
  • Barking and whining
  • Pacing and nervous behavior
  • Body posture may appear defensive
  • Your dog may start pooping and urinating around the House
  • Your dog may start to hide behind the Sofa or jump at sudden noises

Causes of Separation Anxiety

  • Sudden changes to family routine – you may have a new partner or have recently become divorced.
  • Your dog may have lost the ‘Pack Leader’ this might be due to your partner leaving or as above.
  • Has there been a Fire Works party recently as this is a common cause of the condition.
  • Have you started a new job? This is a very common cause of separation anxiety in dogs mainly because your dog or puppy may have developed a very strong bond with you and is not used to you being out of the House for long periods. It is important to mention that fifteen percent of all behavioral problems in dogs is due to separation anxiety.
  • Genetics are also thought to be a contributory factor to the condition.
  • Have you started the socialization process from an early age? This is considered by some experts to be a common cause of the problem.
  • Another very common cause is when dogs have been abandoned to shelters or rescue homes.

Treatment for Separation Anxiety

Rather than resorting to canine anti anxiety medication why not try using some of the techniques listed below to cure the problem.

  • Although canine anti anxiety medication has it’s place in the treatment of this condition sometimes it can be cured very easily – when you leave the House don’t make a big deal of it. Just a quick good bye will be fine – the longer it takes for you to leave the House the more anxious your dog will become. The process of putting your coat on jangling the keys and walking around the House will be enough to trigger anxiety in your dog or puppy.
  • Some people use a ‘Bye Bye Bone’ this is a method to distract your dog or puppy. You can purchase a Kong bone from most pet stores – simply fill it with a mixture you know your dog loves and give this to your dog when you leave the House. You should only give it to your dog when you leave and take it back when you get home. This will get your dog used to getting a prize when you leave – and it will take his mind off the fact that you are no longer in the House. This is a great cure for the problem.
  • Use a Crate – when you leave the House put your dog in his Crate. This will stop him digging up the garden, chewing on the furniture and doing anything naughty around the House (including pooping). By using the Crate as a training tool you can be safe knowing that your dog will feel more comfortable in his own environment – you can even leave something with your scent in the crate too as this will further relax your dog or puppy.
  • Exercise is another great alternative to anti anxiety medication – through regular exercise your dog will be tired and less likely to cause any destructive behavior.
  • Another great tip is to leave the Radio on when you leave the House as this will make your dog feel less alone.
  • Dogs like to have strong leadership – this is very important – if your dog does not feel that he has a Pack Leader then he will feel stressed and anxious. Be a strong leader, be fair, patient and consistent and your dog will respect you.